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Nine Circles of Hell: Limbo

Angelo was a man who had lived a life of sin and debauchery. He had cheated, lied, and stolen his way through life, caring only for his own pleasures and desires. But now, as he lay dying, he realized the error of his ways. He knew he had to make amends for his sins if he ever hoped to escape the torment that awaited him in the afterlife.

As Angelo's soul left his body, he found himself descending into darkness. He was descending into Hell itself, where he would face punishment for his sins. The first circle of Hell was Limbo, where those who had not committed any particular sins but had not accepted Christ as their savior were condemned to an eternity of waiting.

Angelo found himself in a vast, desolate wasteland, where souls wandered aimlessly, waiting for something to happen. There were no flames or screams of torment, only a dull and endless existence. Angelo knew he did not belong here; he had to find a way out.

He wandered for what seemed like an eternity, until he came across a group of souls who seemed to be in a similar situation. They were waiting for something, but they did not know what. Angelo spoke to them and discovered that they were philosophers, poets, and thinkers who had not believed in God during their lives.

Angelo felt a sense of hopelessness, but then he remembered a prayer his grandmother had taught him as a child. He began to recite it, and suddenly a bright light appeared in the distance. The light grew brighter and brighter, and Angelo felt himself being drawn toward it.

As he approached the light, he realized that it was a portal leading to the second circle of Hell. But he knew that he had to go through it if he wanted to escape the torment of Limbo. He took a deep breath and stepped through the portal, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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